SimpleSAMLphp is an authentication and federation application that supports several protocols (SAML 2.0, Sihbboleth 1.3, OpenID, …).
Service and Identity Providers¶
The easiest way to test it is to set up two different hosts, one that serves as Service Provider and the other as Identity Provider. The debian package includes a “userpass example” that can be used to test. The tests described here are based on the v1.19 upstream documentation, that can be found at: In debian, all the required configuration files can be found under /etc/simplesamlphp. The x.509 certificates are to be placed on /etc/ssl/certs/, and the admin password (that can be used in the web GUI) is found at /var/lib/simplesamlphp/
After enabling the apache2 simplesamlphp module (a2enconf simplesamlphp), the web GUIs can be accessed at http://host/simplesamlphp/.
On the service provider:
In authsources.php, uncomment the default-sp configuration.
Once you have configured the identity provider (see below), include its metadata in /etc/simplesamlphp/metadata/saml20-idp-remote.php. To avoid errors, copy+paste the Identity Provider metadata in SimpleSAMLphp flat file format that can be found at: http://simplesamlphp-idp.test/simplesamlphp/ / Federation “tab” / “SAML 2.0 IdP Metadata”.
On the identity provider (simplesamlphp-idp.test):
In authsources.php, uncomment the ‘example-userpass’ array. In config.php, include:
'module.enable' => array(
'exampleauth' => TRUE, // Setting to TRUE enables.
'saml' => TRUE, // Setting to FALSE disables.
'core' => NULL, // Unset or NULL uses default.
Follow the upstream documentation related to metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php.
In metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php, copy+paste the Service Provider metadata, that can be found in its “Federation” web GUI page.
Test the Authentication service using the web GUI on the service provider / “Authentication” tab / “Test configured authentication sources”. You should find there the default-sp, that points to the identify provider configured above. Verify that you can log in with Username: student and Password: studentpass.
XML to SimpleSAMLphp¶
To (partially) test XML handling, it is useful to use the XML to SimpleSAMLphp metada converter tool that can be found in the “Federation” tab.
Test suite¶
The simplesamlphp test suite is not run at build time. It requires phpunit 4.8, which is older than the 7.5.6-1 version found in buster. One method to run the test suite is relying on composer to install the older dependencies. Unfortunately, composer is not packaged in debian, so it has to be installed from the upstream source: Once the dependencies are installed, the test suite can be run with:
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tools/phpunit/phpunit.xml