
Full test suite


The package ships DEP-8 tests that run the test suite with Python 2 and 3, see autopkgtest.

Some Unicode tests fails with Python 2 when ran through autopkgtest.

Manually / fine-grained:

apt install tox
cd twisted-16.6.0/
chown -R nonroot: .
# cf. README.rst
su nonroot -c 'tox -e py27-tests'

apt install python-twisted-core python3-twisted
su nonroot -c 'PYTHONPATH=src/ trial twisted'  # python2
su nonroot -c 'PYTHONPATH=src/ trial3 twisted' # python3
su nonroot -c 'PYTHONPATH=src/ trial twisted.web'
su nonroot -c 'PYTHONPATH=src/ trial twisted.web.test.test_http'
su nonroot -c 'PYTHONPATH=src/ trial twisted.web.test.test_http.ParsingTests'

# DEP-8 tests do a variant like this, not suitable for source testing:
su nonroot -c 'python -m twisted.trial ./twisted/web/test/'
su nonroot -c 'python3 -m twisted.trial ./twisted/web/test/'
# Note: requires a twisted to be already installed system-wide
# Note: if in src/ some issue with catching warnings occurs and some tests fail
# Note: if not in src/ py3+twisted.trial will use the twisted from /usr/lib/


cd twisted-14.0.2/
# cf. README
chown -R nonroot: .
su nonroot -c 'bin/trial twisted'
su nonroot -c 'bin/trial twisted.web'
su nonroot -c 'bin/trial twisted.web.test.test_http'
su nonroot -c 'bin/trial twisted.web.test.test_http.ParsingTestCase'

There are dozens of errors in the test suite. Among others, this stalls/timeouts during SSL tests AFAICS. Still it’s useful to test modules changes by the recent patches.

Smoke test


twistd -n web --path /var/www/html/

cp -a docs/web/examples/ /var/www/html/hello.rpy
# jessie: cp -a doc/_downloads/ /var/www/html/hello.rpy

python docs/web/examples/
# jessie: python doc/_downloads/

python docs/web/howto/listings/client/
# jessie: python doc/_downloads/
Copyright (C) 2022, 2023 Sylvain Beucler