Running the JS test suite:

./debian/rules check  # make test-ci-js

Caution: some tests fail when run as root.

Running a single JS test:


OPENSSL_CONF=./deps/openssl/openssl/apps/openssl.cnf \
  ./node test/parallel/test-tls-passphrase.js

Native tests:

apt install node-gyp
touch test/addons/.docbuildstamp
apt install npm
npm install graceful-fs  # apt install node-graceful-fs doesn't work; ignore errors..
make test-ci-native
# 'addons/dlopen-ping-pong/test' appears broken, other tests OK

Other native tests (e.g. if a CVE fix changes a test in test/cctest) (needs to rebuild lots):

make cctest

Rebuild reverse-dependencies (to validate some 3rd-party code), e.g.:

apt source node-thenify
cd node-thenify-*/
apt build-dep .