Initial install:
# Make sure the stack is installed and running first
apt install apache2 mariadb-server
# Install and auto-configure Cacti
apt install cacti
Visit http://localhost/cacti/ and follow the final install process.
Cacti on bullseye appear to suffer from installation issues:
In case of infinite redirects, go to /cacti/auth_changepassword.php and change the initial password (admin:admin), respecting the password constraints (e.g. Admin123!)
MySQL TimeZone can be populated through
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql mysql
Cacti-Install insists on setting
, = "Europe/Paris"
Cacti-Install insists on getting write access to
, you canchown -R root:root
back after the install
Copyright (C) 2025 Sylvain Beucler