====== zabbix ====== ------------- Client/server ------------- :: apt install apache2 php-mysql zabbix-frontend-php mysql-server zabbix-server-mysql Follow README.Debian file\ *s* (zabbix-server-mysql, zabbix-frontend-php) or ``_. http://192.168.x.x/zabbix/ # Admin : zabbix Check Configuration > Hosts > Localhost > Enable, then Monitoring > Screens > Zabbix server. On a separate bare system: :: apt install zabbix-agent Edit /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, edit: :: Server=192.168.x.x ... ServerActive=192.168.x.x Check /var/log/zabbix-agent/zabbix_agentd.log In the web interface, Configuration > Host > Create Host, add a new host, give it a Template Linux OS. In Monitoring > Screens, create a new screen and add a few graphs to check if the communication with the agent is OK. ---------- Test suite ---------- :: apt install phpunit php-bcmath php-mbstring # Tests removed from source archive (in 'make dist'), add them back: git clone https://git.zabbix.com/scm/zbx/zabbix.git zabbix-git (cd zabbix-git && git checkout 3.0.32) cd .../zabbix-3.0.32+dfsg/ cp -a ../zabbix-git/frontends/php/tests frontends/php/ cp -a ../zabbix-git/build.xml . ant test-phpunit 3 errors with 3.0.31 (apparently spurious). The front-end testsuite is more complex to setup. TODO: incomplete :: apt install composer php-curl composer require phpunit/phpunit-selenium=3.0.3 WORKSPACE_URL=http://192.168.x.x/zabbix/ ant -DDBTYPE=mysql -DDBHOST=localhost -DDBNAME=zabbix -DDBUSER=zabbix -DDBPASSWORD=SECRETPASSWORD create-configs ant test-frontend Not registered in ant? :: phpunit --bootstrap bootstrap.php agent.php | Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022 Sylvain Beucler