========== subversion ========== --------------------------- Reducing build/test latency --------------------------- *DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=6"* enables parallel build. *PARALLEL=6* enables parallel running of tests in the test suite. *DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="no-javahl no-ruby"* disables building parts that might not be relevant. To summarize: :: export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=6 no-javahl no-ruby" export PARALLEL=6 # For running tests in parallel To isolate specific tests: :: # Run a C test make -C BUILD/ check PARALLEL=6 TESTS=subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/dirent_uri-test # Run a Python test make -C BUILD/ check PARALLEL=4 TESTS=subversion/tests/cmdline/authz_tests.py ----------------- svnserveautocheck ----------------- Some tests require *svnserve* to be available, and are skipped by default. There is a separate make target *svnserveautocheck*, working the same as *check*, that does the setup automatically to run the test suite. ------------ Test results ------------ Test restuls are stored in *BUILD/tests.log*. Note that if one looks at *tests.log* in a successful build, there are about 45 tests marked as XFAIL. If you feel like a patch broke a lot of tests, compare the results against a clean build of the unpached package. ------------------------ Test suite documentation ------------------------ Further documentation of the test suite can be found in *subversion/tests/cmdline/README* | Copyright (C) 2022 Enrico Zini