======= orthanc ======= ---------- Test suite ---------- orthanc can be tested using docker. Create a running docker container and expose the port 8042. Also mount the directory /mnt to the docker container to be able to access the test data. :: docker run -p 8045:8045 --rm -it --mount type=bind,source=/mnt,target=/mnt debian:buster After the container is running, one need to install the orthanc server. But before some updates should be done in the configuration file. Install also vim or any other console text editor. :: apt update && apt -y dist-upgrade && apt install orthanc vim vim /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json Change "RemoteAccessAllowed" to true. Start the server. :: /usr/sbin/Orthanc --config /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json --verbose After that the service can be accessed from the host machine using the port 8042. :: curl -X GET http://localhost:8042/instances -v If no answer comes from the server, try to use the credentials. The default user is orthanc and the password is orthanc. :: curl -X GET http://localhost:8042/instances -u "orthanc:orthanc" -v Download the dcm file and upload it to the server. :: curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/instances --data-binary @test_img.dcm -u "orthanc:orthanc" -v The server should answer with a json object containing the id of the uploaded file. To test the export the file on the server, use the following command. :: curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/instances/____ID____FROM____JSON____/export -u "orthanc:orthanc" --data "/tmp/test_exported.dcim" -v This test case was created to test CVE-2023-33466